As New Earth Guardians, Wayshowers & Leaders...

We are here
to activate and embody our  Multi-Dimensional Soul,

So we can stand in our
highest aligned soul timeline and calling,

And step into our awakened Soul Mission. 

Become activated into your soul medicine and call in the New Earth...

Download your FREE Diamond Heart Activation to access your soul's presence and embrace your multi-dimensional Mastery!

As a New Earth Wayshower, I stand first in my Soul Calling and Destiny....

This is a place of full service to Source, the Divine, Mother/Father God and the Goddess.
And it is from this place that I AM.

I heal and activate from a place of deep reverance and connection to my Earth Mother.
She grounds the Source healing energy that flows through me, and grounds me as a Shaman, Wayshower and Multi-Dimensional Healer

I heal with the wisdom and understanding of my Ancestors.
I let their ancient wisdom and guidance show me the path through the Shamanic realms, with the support of my Guardians and Guides

I heal and activate as an initiated Grandmother Fire.
A spiritual Crone called to hold a sacred Earth Grid portal in the deep South - home of the Great Cosmic Lion Race

 I heal with the high vibrational light of my Ancient Cosmic Star Families - whose golden light embodiment flows through my High Heart Infinity Portal

I heal through the ancient spiritual technology of the Tao - in the lingeage of Lao Tzu.
As a trained Master in the Greater Kan and li - the Alchemy of Fire & Water.
I embody in these modalities of Tao Inner Alchemy and am supported by the Tao Immortals

It is through the alchemy of these lineages and healing modalities, that I support my clients in healing their shadow, clearing their light body channels, upgrading their soul embodiment, rewriting their soul contracts and being in right standing with Creator, Earth Mother and their Ancestors.

So they can stand in greater Soul alignment, Soul Purpose and Divine Soul Calling.
As New Earth Leaders in the Golden Age.
In the words of my client Rene:
"I often found myself scattered in a 3D world. I felt the urge to rescue myself from worldly distractions & an unrealistically fast life pace.
I was led to Shirley to invest in my own true essence of my being.
Shirley helps one to remember why we stopped loving ourselves and why certain blockages can make one feel stuck & overwhelmed.
Shirley helps to shift physical, emotional and toxic imbalances to claim back our full power of self discovery and inner growth.
The reward is priceless! It's up to us to take the steps, and I am deeply grateful for having Shirley sent to me on my life path!"

 When it comes to your healing journey, I know that..
Our healing journey continues through our lifetime. It is also a bridge to our own Soul purpose. We are called to work with different healers and modalities in different ways, so that we can get the depth of healing our body and soul crave.

When you are called to step into a healing container with me, it is because you are needing to open up to your energetic multi-dimensional way of being.

And because you are called to truly ground your UNIQUE Soul calling and purpose in this lifetime.

There is no other choice for you.

This could be expressing itself as:
A lack of energy for life, feeling restless, know and wanting more for yourself, physical pain, struggling with childhood trauma, knowing you need to 'go all in' on your soul's path - a call from within for something deeper.

Our own Highest Soul expression and energy body has the answers to our unique healing journey. I help access this level of your energetic blueprint, to bring forth the right healing modality that uniquely supports your journey.

Activating and clearing our meridians, chakras and light centres is what brings us deep cleansing and healing - I do this through the Tao Inner Alchemy Energetic Healing Modality and with Light Language and Voice.

Your energy body (multi-dimensional light body) is what carries different layers of karmic imprints and shadow that require clearing, to set you free from old programmes and patterns.

Healing is the beginning of your Soul Purpose journey:
The true foundation for our own Soul Purpose and Calling, is a spiritual journey.

It is birthed through upgrading our Soul Contract and healing our Ancestral Lineage. This is the portal of the Crossroads, where we are invited to surrender to the path of our Higher Self. 

As a Spiritual Crone, I am a keeper of the Crossroads. I hold the keys to supporting your Soul to step over the threshold of physical and spiritual wellness, purpose and prosperity in this lifetime.

Meet Your Master Soul Healer!

I live on a small holding with my hubbie Frank &  our special Cat Ziggy - growing organic vegetables and living the off-grid sustainable, sovereign life of our dreams!
Hi, I'm Shirley, and I am beyond delighted to meet you!

It is no accident that you found your way here, and my Soul sees & knows you from lifetimes.

I am a passionate Master Soul Healer, Wayshower, Galactic Shaman, Oracle, Business Owner, Coach and Mentor - deeply committed to supporting New Earth Leaders to step into their Service Mission by healing their shadow, opening their channel, activating their Soul Gifts and launching their Soul-aligned business to 6 figures and beyond!
All Soul quests starting with our own healing journey.
As a multi-dimensional Healer & Shaman - I don't only lead your healing journey, I teach you the tools and the practices to heal yourself.

We all have the power to become self-realised healers and Master. That is our calling.

In 2014, my husband and I went through a deep and profound Soul awakening and dark night of the Soul, where we were led to leave our life in the city and our corporate jobs behind us, and called by the Goddess in a plant medicine journey, to move to the deep South in South Africa, and activate the Goddess Earth Grid lines here.

Through this transition, I trained as a Tao Energy Healer, as a Tao Inner Alchemist in the lineage of Lao Tzu. This trained me as an Alchemist of Great Kan and Li - Water and Fire,
with the ability to shift and heal in the full template of the energetic meridians and channels of our Energy body.

I now work with my Soul Guides, Ascended Masters and the Tao Immortals as a Healer, New Earth Grid Keeper and New Earth Business Coach, to support New Earth leaders to step into their spiritual calling and soul business in the New Paradigm.

Activate Your New Earth Soul Mission!

 "Divine Union!"
A Sacred Soul Embodiment Journey
Our journey as a New Earth Leader begins, when we can embody Divine Union within our multi-dimensional soul body.

This journey supports you to develop this energetic soul foundation, so that you can:

*Ground your Multi-Dimensional Soul in your energy body and manifest abundance in the New Earth frequency
*Heal your energy body and increase your energetic vitality
*Calibrate to your highest timeline and purpose so that you can manifest your soul's desires
*Ground your North Star energetics to align to your ideal life!
*Integrate your Cosmic Soul embodiment and master ascension symptoms
Open your high heart portal and access your soul gifts to serve others
Balance your masculine and feminine aspects as a foundation to opening your soul, oracle and psychic gifts

Through this journey you will:
Deepen your intuitive connection and be led by your soul
Increase your energy and stamina so you can start serving others
Deepen your grounding to feel calm and safe during the great awakening
Access your star family calling and gifts as a New Earth Leader
Rebirth and reshape your life, by embodying your soul's calling
Step up and out in serving in the New Earth

This is a 12 week 1:1 journey
"Alchemise Your Gold"
Sacred Soul Calibration Journey

This is  a sacred initiation of your New Earth Soul Calling.

It takes place at the threshold of the  God/dess, with the support of an Ancient New Earth Portal in the Deep South of South Africa.

This is the Place of the Crossroads.

The place where your ego chooses to relinquish your lie's path to the guidance of your Higher Self.

It is a deep dive into clarity and your journey to:

*Make peace with your ancestors & ancestral patterns, so that you can serve the New Earth collective
*Heal and align with your Soul Contract in this lifetime so that you start walking in your unique soul destiny
*Awaken to your ancient knowing so that you align to your natrual cycles and abundance lifestyle
*Activate your calling as a High Priest/tess in the New Earth - to access your higest cosmic timelines
*Step into your New Earth Calling and Guardianship
*Activate your Mantle of Spiritual Authority as  New Earth Wayshower
*Stand in full alignment with your New Earth Soul Mission
*Activate and align to your calling as a Leader in the Golden Age

Every client who does this journey experiences a radical shift in their reality.Every time.
Because they upgrade their soul contract to New Earth Vibration.

This is a 3 session 1:1 journey
1.5 hour sessions
We're a great match, if you feel aligned with being:

*An awakened Soul, on a soul purpose, embodiment and healing journey
*On a Soul Mission that is first and foremost a soul initiation - and you are looking for spiritual guidance and soul healing and mentorship to walk this path

I can help you:
*Walk the path of healing as you go through a deeper death and rebirth journey into a new version of yourself
*Navigate your path through a dark night of the Soul
*Integrate the new light energies that are pouring into the planet at the moment, and are calling us to upgrade our multi-dimensional light bodies
*Activate and embody your Soul frequency, vibration and blueprint
*Heal your ancestral and shadow patterns and realign your Soul Contract to your highest destiny
*Heal the layers of your Energy body, using qi gong modalities and Tao Inner Alchemy energy healing modalities
*Teach you how to begin consistent and continous light body integration - to develop your energetic capacity
*Ground your Soul Gifts so that you can use them to serve others in a way that creates impact
*Ground your New Earth Service Mission

If this resonates with you, I invite you to join my world, either through my email list or my FB Group (HERE)
(NOTE: in this group I share both healing & soul business alchemical tools and workshops)

If you are already certain we are a match, and are ready to commit to your Healing journey and invest in it, you can book an enrolment call below.  This is a 30 min clarity call on which is the best package for you, and to process payment.

Here's what some of my clients have to say...

 I always felt held, heard and deeply supported by Shirley. Whether we were in session or in between, the same caring level of support was always available. Bringing this level of commitment and passion to transformational work is so incredibly necessary.
Shirley models so beautifully what it means to stand in and serve from your Soul’s Purpose.
Shirley has an uncanny ability to identify blindspots. We all need help with this. Shadow work can be deeply uncomfortable but when done in the spirit of loving kindness and with a general arc towards service, it is definitely more healing and less like ripping a bandaid off.
Each session was reflected back and summarized in writing with follow up questions that gave me the best opportunity to stay on track and integrate what we were working on.
This journey was not an easy one. But if it were easy everyone would be doing it. It’s an investment in coming into your own true sense of self and living, wholeheartedly, from that space. This is what changes lives.  Priceless.  ." - LAURIE C.

"I had the opportunity to collaborate with Shirley on a live summit last year where she led our audience through a very powerful guided energy activation. Shirley's ability to move energy was palpable.As part of my awakening, I sensed that I was out of balance between my sacred masculine and feminine and that to restore balance, a ceremony was in order. It was clear that I could trust Shirley to create and hold a deep and sacred container for the transformation I envisioned.
Shirley led me through a very beautiful and deeply potent ceremony to crown the sacred masculine within me. Thanks to this work, I am feeling stronger, standing taller, creating better boundaries and noticing the shedding of old ways of thinking and being.
Shirley is not only a highly intuitive wisdom keeper and Soul guide, but a delightful human being. I'm so grateful that she's on my soul team".

"I  was led to Shirley to invest in my own true essence of Being.
Healing isn't as simple as just learning to love yourself. Its really about going back to places of triggers where we feel most uncomfortable. Shirley helps one to remember why we stopped loving ourselves and why certain blockages can make one feel stuck & overwhelmed. Shirley creates immense safety during her meditations where one feels deeply connected to Source. This helped me to be fully present from a pure and abundant heart space and once you commit to holding space for yourself, you create true essence of love, pureness and gratitude. The reward is priceless! It's up to us to take the steps, and I am deeply grateful for having Shirley sent to me on my life path! " - RENE M.

Become activated into your soul medicine and call in the New Earth...

Download your FREE Diamond Heart Activation to access your soul's presence and embrace your multi-dimensional Mastery!

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Soul Business Alchemy
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